Program areas at Handup Network
The retail training program is designed to prepare workers for jobs within the retail trade. Clients are trained in an actual retail store to prepare them for retail positions, including management positions. There are also ecommerce sales. This program served 16,083 individuals during 2023. The retail store also uses many volunteers. In 2023, 278 different individuals volunteered over 4,832 hours.
Hand up response teams are a vital part of the organization's mission by providing unique teams for specific needs. Network response teams are led by the entity to provide community outreach, community service and/or disaster response. Community outreach teams augment specific outreach missions to local communities including specific focus of interest in difficult situations such as homelessness. Emergency response teams provide supplies and labor in response to local and regional disasters. These teams impacted 55,514 individuals during 2023 with the help of 129 volunteers investing 1588 hours.
Hand up provides resources to individuals who need assistance in life in order to support themselves and become a contributing member of society. The entity provides resources to these individuals in the areas of mentorship, counseling, employee training and financial literacy. During 2023, these programs served 200 individuals with help of 4 full-time staff and 3 volunteers who served for over 104 hours.
Victim services is a group of trained staff and volunteers that respond to the victims of crime. The team operates 24/7 and it's not uncommon to have multiple responses going on simultaneously. This is not a short-term response, but the beginning of a long, multi-year journey for many as they begin the judicial and medical journey to recovery. The victim services team helps the victim manage this process, while we also help them to start the journey to restoration of their lives utilizing our mentoring, response teams, and organizational partners as needed. This program influenced 238 individuals in 2023 with 3 full-time staff, 1 part-time staff and 2 volunteers who provided 92 hours of service.
The immigration services team is designed to assist those navigating the immigration process. Examples of these services includes personal consultation, family-based immigration, humanitarian relief, citizenship services, residence services, assistance to survivors of domestic and other violent crimes, daca, etc. In addition to immigration services, hun is developing training in regard to civics, fafsa, esl, and other education curriculum to help first- and second-generation immigrants achieve success in our community. In 2023, the program influenced 640 people. They were also active in 13 remote consulate events where they spoke to 16,600 people.