EIN 06-0646668

Hartford Hospital

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
NTEE code, primary
Hartford Hospital, founded in 1854, one of the largest teaching hospitals and tertiary care centers in New England with perhaps the region’s busiest surgery practice, has been training physicians for over 160 years.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Hartford Hospital

The Hartford HealthCare Heart & Vascular Institute, a national leader in cardiovascular disease prevention, treatment, surgery and research, cares for more patients and performs more advanced cardiac procedures than any other cardiac program in Connecticut with doctors using the most innovative technology available to provide the very best, personalized care for patients. Our Cardiologists care for your heart and blood vessels. They're skilled at diagnosing and treating a wide range of heart conditions without the use of surgery. The Hartford HealthCare Heart & Vascular institute provides treatments to a wide range of heart and vascular conditions at all of our acute care hospitals, which includes Hartford Hospital. Dedicated to the care of the heart in all its complexities, Hartford Hospital's Cardiology Division offers outstanding multi-disciplinary cardiovascular programs designed to provide excellence in treatment, diagnosis and management through the entire spectrum of cardiovascular disease.The Division has an unwavering commitment to provide the very best care to our cardiac patients who need clinical services, angioplasty, surgery or other procedures, as well as others who want to make their hearts healthier through preventive, pharmacological or rehabilitative therapy. Heart & Vascular Services provided at Hartford Hospital includes: Atrial Fibrillation CenterCardiovascular SurgeryChest Pain CenterCongestive Heart Disease CenterHeart Failure Infusion ProgramHeart Failure Rescue ProgramHeart TransplantationLDL-Apheresis CenterMinimally Invasive Maze SurgeryMitral Valve RepairNuclear CardiologyPreventive CardiologyTranscatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) ProgramVascular LaboratoryVascular SurgeryAdult Congenital Heart DiseaseAbnormal Heart RhythmsAnginaAortic Aneurysm & DissectionAortic DiseaseBroken Heart SyndromeCardiac TumorsCardiomyopathyCarotid Artery DiseaseChest PainCholesterolCoronary Artery DiseaseDeep Vein ThrombosisEndocarditisHeart FailureHeart AttackHypertensionMarfan SyndromeMesenteric Artery DiseaseMitral Valve RepairMyocardial Infarction (Heart AttackMyocarditisPalpitationsPeri... AneurysmPeripheral Artery DiseasePulmonary EmbolismRenal Artery DiseaseSyncopeThoracic Outlet SyndromeValvular Heart DiseaseVein TherapiesHartford Hospital has again been rated as the No. 1 hospital in the Hartford Metro Area and among the best hospitals in Connecticut for 2023-24 by U.S. News & World Report. Hartford Hospital was also recognized as high-performing in Orthopedics, Aortic Valve Surgery, Heart Bypass Surgery, Heart Failure, Colon Cancer Surgery, Lung Cancer Surgery, Prostate Cancer Surgery, Hip Replacement, Knee Replacement as well as other critical areas.For FY23, there were 57,608 cases with an average length of stay of 6.2 days.
At Hartford HealthCare's Ayer Neuroscience Institute, the concept of a second opinion is taken to a new level. Each week, all our specialists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists, neurointensivists, and neuro-critical care nurses meet to review each individual case. Together, they pool their knowledge and experience to give our patients the most advanced treatment plan possible. We are the only System in the region that operates this way. We also have the region's only neurological intensive care unit.More than fifty million Americans will experience a disorder of the brain or nervous system each year. Common disorders include stroke, brain tumors, memory disorders, sleep disorders, movement disorders, chronic headaches, spinal cord injuries, severe back and neck pain, seizures, and Parkinson's disease. The HHC Neuroscience Center offers a unique integration between neurology, neuroscience and neurosurgery, to give patients a comprehensive approach to treating and/or managing their symptoms and living a healthier, more balanced life. The Institute offer an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to care, coupled with state-of-the-art technology and techniques that enable us to provide every patient the best possible outcome. Our physicians practice some of the most advanced treatments available in the nation, including minimally invasive brain and spine surgery, at-home seizure monitoring and pain management.Conditions treated at the Institute include: Headaches; Epilepsy; Stroke; Movement Disorders; Multiple Sclerosis; Pain Management; Hearing Loss and more. The Institute is made up of departments that provide these services to our patients at its various locations that include Hartford Hospital. Our departments include: Epilepsy Center; Headache Center; Hearing and Balance Center; Memory Care Center; Chase Family Movement Disorder Center, among others. During FY23, Hartford Hospital treated 31,864 cases with an average length of stay of 7.9 days across its various locations within the Greater Hartford region.
Hartford HealthCare is Connecticut's most comprehensive healthcare network. Our fully integrated health system includes a tertiary-care teaching hospital, an acute-care community teaching hospital, an acute-care hospital and trauma center, two community hospitals. The Cancer Institute, headed by a visionary leadership team, offers the same high-quality care you'd get at an academic health system but delivered in convenient community settings. Advanced treatments and services are available in offices and centers across our system all offered by fellowship-trained experts in various types of cancer. These community efforts are enhanced by our membership in the Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Cancer Alliance. This connection offers invaluable access to current research trials that can connect you with the latest medications and treatments for your cancer. Often, you can join research trials from the convenience of your local Cancer Institute site. This distinctive cancer care and clinical research partnership means the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute brings the most innovative, evidence-based cancer care from MSK directly into community settings across our state. Previously, patients had to travel to New York to get this level of care.Partnering with MSK has helped Hartford HealthCare expand its research portfolio to include more cancer types than ever before, and to add a Cancer Care Innovation Unit at Hartford Hospital. The unit enables Hartford HealthCare to provide Phase I clinical trials to patients, meaning they have access to the most promising drugs in the development pipeline.We've also drafted standards that guarantee you will receive the same high level of care no matter which location you visit or provider you see. Our community approach to cancer treatment has been recognized nationally. In 2017, the Cancer Institute became one of only a few U.S. systems to earn the American College of Surgeons' Commission on Cancer accreditation. Historically, such approval was only given to individual locations. The Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute encompasses comprehensive cancer centers at seven hospitals across Connecticut Hartford Hospital, The Hospital of Central Connecticut, Backus Hospital, Midstate Medical Center, Windham Hospital, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital and St Vincent's Medical Center. Collectively, the cancer programs within the Cancer Institute treat about 6,000 new cancer patients per year while caring for tens of thousands of existing patients, offering a full range of innovative, evidence-based and personalized treatments designed to meet the needs of each individual patient. Our innovative Institute approach is unlike any other in the state and is among the most highly regarded in the nation. Through our Institute, which is organized around a specific disease and not necessarily location, we can apply best practices throughout our system so that patients receive the same high standards of care no matter where they live or which Hartford HealthCare cancer center they choose. For all of our patients, a dedicated team of oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, nurses, clinical researchers, technicians and others collaborate to provide the exact course of care they need. The Institute's multidisciplinary disease management teams meet and collaborate regularly to lend expertise and insight on numerous cancer types, translating into exceptional coordinated care. The Institute's accomplished, fellowship-trained physicians are nationally recognized for their level of sophisticated care in areas such as radiation oncology, medical oncology and surgical oncology. Patients are also cared for in an environment that emphasizes compassion and personal connections, with a team of trained nurse navigators who provide guidance and support to patients and families, from diagnosis to recovery. The Institute also boasts a thriving survivorship program. In 2017, the Institute was accredited as a network by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, one of a select few institutes nationwide to be recognized as a system, rather than individual cancer centers. For patients coming through our doors with a cancer diagnosis, that means three things: standardized care, more options and more hope.More than four years after the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute became the charter member of the Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Cancer Alliance, cancer patients now have unprecedented access to the world's most advanced clinical trials. And more than ever before, physicians, nurses, pharmacists and researchers are working collaboratively to implement cancer treatment standards and protocols developed at MSK, the premier cancer treatment center in the country. For FY23, the approximate number of cases treated were as follows:Hartford Hospital: 2,886Hospital of Central Connecticut: 1,331Backus Hospital: 959Midstate Medical Center: 405Windham Hospital: 70Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: 267St Vincent's Medical Center: 736The five most common types of cancer diagnosed by teams of specialists at the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute are cancers of the Breast, Lung, Prostate, Bladder & Colon. Each patient has a unique scenario requiring a personalized plan.Approximately 1,662 Breast Cancer cases were treated across the system as follows:Hartford Hospital: 622Hospital of Central Connecticut: 363Backus Hospital: 256Midstate Medical Center: 152Windham Hospital: 16Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: 72St Vincent's Medical Center: 181Approximately 732 Lung Cancer cases were treated across the system as follows:Hartford Hospital: 298Hospital of Central Connecticut: 165Backus Hospital: 141Midstate Medical Center: 42Windham Hospital: 9Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: 23St Vincent's Medical Center: 54Approximately 807 Prostate Cancer cases were treated across the system as follows:Hartford Hospital: 325Hospital of Central Connecticut: 140Backus Hospital: 122Midstate Medical Center: 46Windham Hospital: 1Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: 57St Vincent's Medical Center: 116 Approximately 408 Bladder Cancer cases were treated across the system as follows:Hartford Hospital: 154Hospital of Central Connecticut: 62Backus Hospital: 89Midstate Medical Center: 40 Windham Hospital: 3Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: 27St Vincent's Medical Center: 33Approximately 330 Colon Cancer cases were treated across the system as follows:Hartford Hospital: 130Hospital of Central Connecticut: 56Backus Hospital: 52Midstate Medical Center: 23Windham Hospital: 2Charlotte Hungerford Hospital: 20St Vincent's Medical Center: 47As always, Hartford HealthCare is creating a better future for healthcare in Connecticut and beyond. We are a community of caregivers engaged in developing a coordinated, consistent high standard of care. We use research and education as partners in care delivery. We create and engage in meaningful alliances to enhance access to services. We invest in technology and training to develop new pathways to improve the timeliness, efficiency and accuracy of our services.
Hartford Hospital, founded in 1854, is one of the largest teaching hospitals and tertiary care centers in New England with perhaps the region's busiest surgery practice and has been training physicians for over 160 years. It is a member of Hartford HealthCare Corporation, a large, diversified health care system.The hospital is a regional referral center that provides high-quality care in all clinical disciplines. Among its divisions is The Institute of Living, a 114-bed mental health facility with a national and international reputation of excellence. Jefferson House, a 104-bed long-term care facility, is also part of Hartford Hospital. The hospital's active medical staff includes more than 1,000 physicians and dentists within 18 departments. It is an 867-bed hospital occupying a 65-acre campus in downtown Hartford and operating satellite facilities in Avon, Bloomfield, Cheshire, Enfield, Farmington, Glastonbury, Granby, Manchester, Meriden, Newington, Prospect, South Windsor, Vernon, Wallingford, West Hartford, Wethersfield and Windsor.In addition to above, the hospital provides services/programs including but not limited to the following:BariatricsBehavioral & Mental HealthBone & Joint InstituteCancer CareCardiology & Heart CareCedar Mountain CommonsCenter for Musculoskeletal HealthCritical CareCystic Fibrosis CenterDentalDiabetesEmergency ServicesEye CareEye SurgeryGastroenterologyHeadache CenterHearing & BalanceHerniasImaging ServicesIntegrative MedicineJefferson HouseLIFE STARLiver & HepatologyLung & PulmonaryMedical Weight LossMinimally Invasive SurgeryMovement Disorders CenterNeurosciencesPalliative CarePain TreatmentPediatricsPhysical RehabilitationPrimary Care & Family MedicineRobotic SurgerySenior ServicesSleep DisordersSpine CareStrokeSurgical Weight LossThoracic SurgeryTransplant ServicesTraumatologyUrology & KidneyVascularWomen's Health ServicesWound CareWeight Loss

Grants made by Hartford Hospital

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
ReadyctSponsorship for the Hartford Public High School Allied Health Program.$157,464
The First Tee of ConnecticutConnecticut Golf Foundation Enable Kids To Build the Strength of Character That Empowers Them Through A Lifetime of New Challenges. They Integrate the Game of Golf With Life Skills Curriculum, Create Learning Experiences That Build Inner Strength, Self Confidence and Resilience That Kids Carry To Everything They Do.$40,000
Connecticut Cancer FoundationThe Connecticut Cancer Foundation Is Committed To Reducing the Burden of Cancer for Connecticut Cancer Patients and Their Families. They Provide Direct Financial Assistance To Connecticut Cancer Patients for Everyday Living Expenses Such As Rent, Mortgage, Utilities, Car Payments, Medical Co-Pays, Food, Medications and More.$39,150
...and 19 more grants made totalling $533,939

Who funds Hartford Hospital

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Capewellg JR Uw HTFD Hospital Et#2Unrestricted General$1,531,813
Capewell M Uw HTFD Hospital Etal 4Unrestricted General$691,949
Capewell Gar Uw HTFD Hospital Etl #1Unrestricted General$691,267
...and 92 more grants received totalling $7,410,869

Personnel at Hartford Hospital

Jeffrey FlaksChief Executive Officer , HHC / Director , Ex - President and Chief Executive Officer$0
Cheryl FicaraSenior Vice President , Operations / Vice President Patient Care Services$0
Keith GrantVice President , Operations$0
Mark KeiseVice President of Finance
Gregory JonesVice President , Community Health and Engagement / Vice President , Community Health / Director$0
...and 19 more key personnel

Financials for Hartford Hospital

RevenuesFYE 09/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$24,784,312
Program services$2,537,766,652
Investment income and dividends$14,307,054
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$-12,618,935
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$13,809,722
Net income from fundraising events$-583,416
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$4,776,579
Total revenues$2,582,241,968

Form 990s for Hartford Hospital

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-092024-08-14990View PDF
2022-092023-08-14990View PDF
2021-092022-08-10990View PDF
2020-092021-08-12990View PDF
2019-092020-10-22990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s

Organizations like Hartford Hospital

MaineHealth (MMC)Portland, ME$3,690,471,384
Ochsner Medical CenterNew Orleans, LA$5,075,999,430
Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist MeWinstonsalem, NC$2,499,734,301
Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC)Dallas, TX$1,733,875,111
Henry Ford Health Jackson HospitalJackson, MI$794,122,795
Monument Health Rapid City HospitalRapid City, SD$912,569,914
Huntington HealthPasadena, CA$764,471,000
Boston Medical Center Corporation (BMC)Boston, MA$2,380,282,356
Pikeville Medical Center (PMC)Pikeville, KY$652,780,410
Tampa General Hospital (TGH)Tampa, FL$2,356,345,813
Data update history
November 24, 2024
Received grants
Identified 18 new grant, including a grant for $691,949 from Capewell M Uw HTFD Hospital Etal 4
September 28, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
September 22, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 3 new personnel
August 25, 2024
Received grants
Identified 32 new grant, including a grant for $445,770 from Roraback Lewis P Trust
May 18, 2024
Received grants
Identified 11 new grant, including a grant for $147,141 from Bliss G E Cotr Uw 13 Residue Fund
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsHospitalsHealth organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizations
Political advocacyLobbyingFundraising eventsOperates internationallyState / local levelReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringProvides scholarshipsGala fundraisersTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
80 Seymour St
Hartford, CT 06106
Metro area
Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown, CT
Capitol Planning Region, CT
Website URL
(860) 545-5000
Facebook page
Twitter profile
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
E22: Hospital, General
NAICS code, primary
622: Hospitals
Parent/child status
Central organization
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