Program areas at Hartland Institute of Health and Education
College and Education: Enrollment in the college this year included an average of 40 students, including interns. Six graduates completed their courses of study. We are currently offering majors in areas of health ministry, media, religion, and education. A midwifery course has also been added. Classroom studies are combined with practical work experience to help provide a well-rounded education. Our day academy/elementary enrollment was 21 for the year.
Publications: Hartland publishes a monthly subscription magazine addressing issues that Christians face today. It is now read and spread on six continents. We currently have an average of 1300 active subscriptions, which includes bulk subscriptions. Other publications relevant to Christian living and healthful lifestyle are also offered.
Lifestyle Center: Conducted twelve 11-day/ 17-day live-in programs for recovery of lifestyle diseases naturally, with a total average of 78 guests. Several individual therapy sessions were also provided.
Other accomplishments included our Organic Farm that has 18 acres devoted to bona fide production of fruits and vegetables such as black berries, water melon, tomato, lettuce, potato, kale, garlic, onion, peper, cucumber, squash, etc. The Farm supplies the College Cafeteria and the Wellness Center Kitchen with Organic products and provides opportunity for the Students to learn about Organic Agriculture.