Program areas at HARVESTING In SPANISH
Shalom Childrens Home: A home for orphaned and abused children that provides for all of their material, educational, vocational training, spiritual support, and health needs with Christian values in El Salvador. The Home serves an average of 25-30 children and teens through its residential home and transition home/youth residence.
Shalom Family Medical Center: A full-service primary level health care center that provides care with compassion for approximately 18,000 economically-challenged patients a year in El Salvador through general family medical care (gynecology, pediatrics & general), dental care, imaging, clinical lab services, cervical cancer prevention treatment, medications, telemedicine, and spiritual support.
Donald William Benner Christian School: An academic Christian educational program for approximately 140 students from financially challenged backgrounds in El Salvador, which also provides them with a hot lunch, uniforms & shoes, books & supplies.
Church, Literature Ministry, Amilat School and General Program of Iglesia Templo Piedras Vivas in El Salvador.