Program areas at HasNa
The turkey refugee response iniative (trri) is a multi phased endeavor aimed at exploring the role of local government, civil society organizations, and international nongovernmental agencies in serving turkey's refuge communities, particularly in the realms of access to livelihoods and overall social cohesion. Throughout 2022, Hasna conducted a series ofconsultations with local civil sociaty leaders, municipalities, academics,and international development workers to map out the challenges/opportunities and best practices in refugee assistance, particularily in the realm of preventing gender-based violence and hatespeech in the media.
Cultural diplomacy (turkey): working to promote peacebuidling, in 2022 Hasna undertook new projects in collaboration with organizations in different conflict contexts in turkey and cyprus in order to spread awarness and promote cooperation and collaboration between conflicting parties. In this respect Hasna has worked to reinforce and expand its network of academics, civil society leaders, and humanatarian practioners in the eu, cyprus, and turkey, and has given them a voice in reaching Hasna's largely us-based audience.
Distance learning and domestic workshops: due to the somewaht challenging political envirnonment in turkey, especially after the 2016 coup attempt, in addition to the restrictions of the covid-19 pandemic, Hasna has gone online with its capacity building and training workshops. To this end, in 2022, it achieved its educational aims primariliy through online webinars and drafting and publicization of reports. Topics discussed and written about in this programmatic area included gender-based violence in the humanatarian context in turkey and peace journalism as a method of combating hate speech and xenophobia targeting refugees in the media.
To operate exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the code, including, but not limited to, making distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt orgaganizations under section 501(c)(3) of the code.