Program areas at The Haven Project
Maintained and staffed coffee shop open to The public by providing jobs, training, and public service experience for at-risk young adults.
Job training and housing program provided at risk homeless young adults with temporary shelter and job training.
Drop-in center provided at-risk homeless young adults with basic needs, food, education and job training. *engaged over 300 homeless unaccompanied through ongoing social media contact, street outreach, and community relationships; *provided grocery gift cards and year-round access to our on-site food pantry, laundry facilities and shower facilities; *maintained ongoing phone/social media/email contact with 45 youth each week; *enrolled 100% of engaged clients in mass health and/or snap food stamp benefits; *employed 53 clients in our job training program where they were able to build important work skills; *helped 75 young adults secure safe and reliable employment and provided in-person and/or virtual job training workshops to 108 clients; *developed 10 partnerships to (1) assist clients as they transition from our program to outside work positions and (2) improve our community outreach and name recognition. These include The wash cycle, target, beth israel, root, nscc, and salem state university;*secured housing for 49 homeless youth in apartments, dorms and/or room rentals; *assisted 78 clients to achieve an educational milestone, 23 of whom graduated from an educational program - hiset, high school, and/or college; and strategically scaling our impact with four groundbreaking initiatives: 1. Catalyst: a 23-unit permanent, supportive housing Project with on-site services for low moderate income young adults, with one housing unit for a resident director, as well as program and office space. (anticipated opening april 2025)2. The nest: we are working closely with lynn housing and development and our local youth action board to create The nest, a transitional housing - rapid rehousing Project in lynn for 24 homeless young adults. Renovations are currently underway and programming is set to begin this fall. 3. Expanded career development program: recognizing program participants are often unable to sustain housing with entry-level pay, we designed a comprehensive approach that integrates community partnerships, personal goal setting, mental well-being, financial literacy, and traditional job skills training.4. "guaranteed income" pilot program: a partnership with gma funders foundation to implement a financial program that provides monthly stipends to 28 young adults over The course of 18 months. The Haven Project will distribute these funds and track participant progress through quality of life surveys.