Program areas at Hawaii Medical Association
Legislative activities: provide lobbying, government relations, and legislative awareness services primarily for hma members (approximately 278), and non-member physicians (up to approx. 3000 additional physicians). Includes introducing health care legislation at the state legislature; providing testimony on proposed legislation; informing physicians, the public, and the government on key health issues.
The annual meeting was held on october 7,2022, with 24 members and four staff present. There are up to 20 voting members on the hma council.
Cme@hma supports quality patient care through appropriate and timely education for physicians, with information about current and vital issures of medicine and Medical practice for doctors of medicine and ostepathy in Hawaii and the pacific basin.the Hawaii Medical Association is a partner in the Hawaii consortium of continuing Medical education, a joint effort between the Hawaii Medical Association and the john a. burns school of medicine at the university of Hawaii, which sponsors the cme@hma program, the cme programs of the Medical school, and jointly sponsors events of numerous non-accredited organizations in Hawaii. The Hawaii consortium of continuing Medical education closed its operations as of december 31, 2022. As of january 1, 2023, hma has a collaboration with Hawaii pacific health as a joint provider for cme's. Also, hma and the Washington state Medical Association formed the pacwest continuing education accreditation collaborative (pceac), to support the state Medical society (sms) cme facility accreditation programs acruss the northwest and pacific. This took effect january 1, 2023.hma started a podcast program in 2022 entitled, hmaconnect, bringing interviews with physicians and other important to the profession of physicians, including interviews for the 2022 Hawaii elections.