Program areas at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory
Research of migratory birds using banding and counting data collection to study the intensity of bird migration and the distribution, abundance, and migratory pathways of birds in the Western Lake Superior Region. Research also includes grant-funded projects, such as studying effects of environmental toxins and genetics in raptors.
Stewardship of Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve, the first designated Important Bird Area in Minnesota, has a unique natural area for bird migration and other outdoor experiences. Facilities management, stewardship, and preservation of the land, water, and trails at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve. Accomplishments include a successful volunteer program dedicated to research, education, and stewardship activities of Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory.
Education programs on birds and their environment delivered to birders, school and civic groups, the public and professionals through on-site programs at the Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve and the West Skyline Spring Count. Hawk Ridge also delivers educational outreach programs in person and virtually, and hosts speakers and events, such as the annual Hawk Weekend Festival, to inspire an appreciation for nature, knowledge through science-based research, and the role of birds in the natural world.