Program areas at HVA
The organization is an independent day school providing elementary and high school education (pre-k through grade 12) using methods of rudolf steiner. The organization also offers adult education including foundation studies, a two year waldorf teacher training, and trainings in the arts.
Research and other: this program is comprised of the following sub programs:- center for social research: strives to promote social health by supporting freedom and choice in cultural life, equality and democracy in political life, and associative cooperation in economic life;- farmscape ecology: a participatory research and outreach program that fosters compassion for the ecological and cultural landscape of columbia county, new york;- long table harvest: gleans produce from area farms for distribution to food pantries;- light forms: an art center offering public presentations, exhibitions, installations, workshops, and performances, an artist-in-residence program, publications, and a small gift shop-alkion publications: publishes and distributes books grounded in the path of inner development outlined by rudolf steiner-lightforms: a center for cultural renewal that brings creative artists and their artwork into the public domain in innovative ways that stimulate dialogue around the inner and outer challenges of our time, and attempts to serve the spiritual needs of human beings in their daily lives. Lightforms is founded on the spiritual-scientific worldview of rudolf steiner which is called anthroposophy
The visiting students program has intern and counselor positions for young adults to work with students from urban and suburban schools, grades 3 through 12, who come to farm during the school year to work with animals alongside the farmers.
Store, farm, and dairy operations: the Association operates an organic/natural foods and grocery store that is open to the public along with a biodynamic farm and dairy operation at its location in ghent, ny. Turose, a gift and school supply store, is also operated by the organization at their main campus in ghent, ny.