Program areas at Headwaters Foundation for Justice
Donor advised funds: this program enables individual donors to advance their philanthropic goals and direct resources to social change groups locally and nationally. Development staff educates donors about social injustice issues, connects them to organizations that match their interests, and provides grantmaking assistance. In fiscal year 2023, Headwaters allocated $1,210,960 to 113 organizations. Additionally, grants of $189,300 was awarded to Headwaters.
The fund of the sacred circle: according to native americans in philanthropy, foundations invest less than half of one percent of grant dollars in native communities. Headwaters works to address this imbalance through the fund of the sacred circle program (fsc). Grants supports Minnesota- and wisconsin-based native american organizations that address systemic injustices. General operating grants supports work that focuses on language and cultural revitalization; land and environmental restoration; sovereignty and treaty rights; and self-determination and civil rights. In fiscal year 2023, fsc program awarded $304,000 to 19 organizations.
The giving project grant program: since 2015, this program invests in organizations that are led by and for black people, indigenous people, and people of color (bipoc) that also use a community organizing approach to address root causes of injustice. During fiscal year 2023, Headwaters awarded $208,000 in 13 general operating grants.
Black movement ecosystem: the black movement ecosystem program is a new strategy for building long-term political power and infrastructure in Minnesota. By investing deeply in women and femme organizers from diverse backgrounds, Headwaters helps grantee organizations build power and liberation. In fiscal year 2023, bme program awarded $272,000 to 17 organizations.
Rapid response grantmaking: in fiscal year 2023, our rapid response grantmaking program awarded $40,000 to two organizations.
Other programs: Headwaters has additional programming that includes support beyond the dollars, native strategies, and general programmatic work to support the mission and values of advancing equity, demanding inclusion, transforming powers, and trusting the community.