Program areas at Healing Action Network
Holistic safety - holistic safety involves mutual empathy and empowerment methods to reduce trauma and substance use symptoms and increase safe coping in relationships, thinking, behavior, and emotions. The organization accesses methodologies in the worlds of arts, exercise, meditation, experiential learning, and informal education. Client centered services focus on connecting the mind and body to empower clients to recover through the intensive work of Healing from trauma and provide lifelong tools and options that are healthy and constructive. Holistic safety includes peer support services, service management, drop-in services, group community outings, and trauma therapy.
Recovery environment for a new transition (rent) - members are provided the financial assistance of monthly rent payments and utility assistance, and the support of home visits to assist with making successful transitions into independent community living.
Coalition against trafficking and exploitation (cate) - the purpose of cate is to create a collaborative effort of agencies and individuals building a community movement to prevent and respond to human trafficking and exploitation through advocacy, public policy, education, and direct outreach strategies. Cate envisions a united from of anti-trafficking and exploitation organizations to ensure evidence-based service delivery to survivors and standardized education and awareness to the st. louis metropolitan area.