Program areas at Health Care Cost Institute
TRANSPARENCY- The Organization launched the first national, health care price and quality transparency website, The website displays pricing for shoppable, discretionary, schedulable health services at the national, state, and local levels free of cost to the public. The website is intended for use by health care consumers who are uninsured, in high-deductible health plans, or enrolled in health plans that do not provide pricing information. Data for is based on claims from insurers Aetna, Humana, and United Healthcare. uses actual amounts paid including copay and coinsurance to produce prices and price ranges.
QUALIFIED ENTITY PROGRAM- In 2014 the Organization became the first national Qualified Entity under the Affordable Care Act entitling it to recieve Medicare data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in order to engage in public reporting. The Organization paid for and acquired three years of the Medicare data in 2016 and will commence public reporting in 2017.
REASEARCH-The Organization has signed research agreements with leading universities, actuarial organizations, and government agencies to license access to detailed claims data from over 50 million privately insured Americans for faculty, association and government research studies and PhD dissertations. The licensees have access to large private claims database to conduct health care research projects. All research projects must be non-proprietary and non-commercial and must align with the mission of the Organization.
Hcci pulblishes a "Health Care Cost and utilization report" annually. In addition, they publish issue briefs, and provide reasearch licenses.
The organization maintains a price transparency website called which displays pricing for Health services on national, state and local levels free of Cost.
The hcci became the first qualified entity under the aca. They accumulate data from the centers for medicare & medicaid and report pulbicly on the data.
Transparency - the organization launched the first national, Health Care price and quality transparency website, The website displays pricing for shoppable, discretionary, schedulable Health services at the national, state, and local levels free of Cost to the public. The website is intended for use by Health Care consumers who are uninsured, in high-deductible Health plans, or enrolled in Health plans that do not provide pricing information. Data for is based on claims from insurers aetna, humana, and united healthcare. uses actual amounts paid including copay and coinsurance to produce prices and price ranges.
Research - the organization has signed research agreements with leading universities, actuarial organizations, and government agencies to license access to detailed claims data from over 50 million privately insured americans for faculty, association and government research studies and phd dissertations. The licensees have access to large private claims database to conduct Health Care research projects. All research projects must be non-proprietary and non-commercial and must align with the mission of the organization.