Program areas at Health Care Education and Training
Other Programs include education, training, technical assistance, and evaluation projects through other programs that are aligned with the organizational mission but are not categorized as STI/HIV Prevention, Reproductive and Sexual Health, Adolescent Health, and Trauma Informed Care. These programs vary each year depending on the funding sources. These programs served approximately 200 people in 2023.
Healthcare Workforce current workforce projects focus on trauma-informed care for healthcare providers and funding is a combination of state and fee for service. This program served approximately 300 people in 2023.
STI/HIV Prevention education, training, and technical assistance services are provided through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services-Division of Public Health Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Training and Technical Assistance Project, the Wisconsin SURRG Support Project, and the Indiana State Health Department STD Training Project, and others. These programs served approximately 2,200 in 2023.
Adolescent Health education, training, and evaluation is provided by funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families, Family Youth Services Bureau, Competitive Personal Responsibility Education Program (IN-PACT), HHS Office of Adolescent Health Replication of Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs to Scale-Tier, IN and WI State, and others. These projects served approximately 5,500 people in 2023.