Program areas at HSC
The substance abuse treatment department currently has several federally funded projects. Each of these projects serves different populations and has different annual goals. Project home provides substance abuse, mental Health, case management, and other recovery supporting Services to disadvantaged populations who are living with concurrent homelessness and serious mental illness. Project rise provides substance abuse treatment, mental Health Services, case management Services, and other support Services to persons living with or at increased risk for hiv disease. Project star provides substance use treatment, mental Health Services, and case management Services to persons at increased risk of substance use and hiv. The program prioritizes lgbtq+ populations. Project refresh provides substance use treatment, mental Health Services, and case management Services to persons at increased risk of substance use and hiv. The purpose of the program is to enhance and expand Services for transitional aged youth (age 18 to 25) with sud/cod using a coordinated multi-system family approach for approximately 24 weeks of treatment. Project arch is a five year program. The purpose is to increase access to, expand, and enhance sud treatment and reentry Services in an underserved, largely rural Alabama area that has higher than average rates of sud, incarceration, and other negative consequences.
During 2023, hsc continued operation of four grants for the provision of permanent and transitional housing, long-term rental assistance vouchers, and the operation of two emergency shelters for homeless men and women. As of december 2023, all but one permanent supportive housing units were occupied. A housing staff member attends each satellite clinic to assess any housing needs.
The organization provides primary care Services for patients with hiv/aids. The organization also provides case management and various case managers have case loads of approximately 603 clients. Staff members went the extra mile to ensure that the full array of medical and supportive Services were not just available at the main location in hobson city, but accessible to the third of their patient population served at satellite clinics in fort payne, gadsden, alexander city, and valley each month as well.