Program areas at Healthvisions Midwest
Faith in action to serve and transform (fast) promotes healthy living and independence by providing volunteer-based non-medical support and caregiver services to seniors 60 years and older and others who are homebound, frail, disabled, or afflicted with chronic illnesses in the greater east st. louis community. Fast provided 6,180 trips to seniors during the year. Assisted transportation provides one-on-one transportation to seniors 60 years and older. Priority is given to medical trips, but volunteers also provide transportation for business, shopping, nutrition, and other events. Volunteers receive training and comprehensive screening, including criminal background checks. Volunteers drove 117,666 miles and provided 7,548 volunteer hours,the equivalent of $240,026 for all volunteer services. Information and assistance (i&a) assisted more than 1,780 seniors with accessing services and resources that enable them to maintain their independence. I&a provided 9,799 contacts with seniors to make health lifestyle choices and act as advocates for medicare, medicaid, benefit access, low income home energy assistance program, etc. To improve their quality of life and reduce health disparities. We served at least 400 more seniors this yeat circle of friends (cof) reduces social isolation and loneliness for seniors by providing interactive group activities, health education, and outings. Seniors develop a close circle of friends as they share experiences together. Telephone reassurance calls (trc) enable seniors to remain independent and live in their homes. The calls help seniors improve their quality of life by connecting them to volunteers who care about their well-being. Volunteers made 1,743 calls to encourage, comfort, and educate seniors and empower them to access medical and social services. The programs promote independence, safety, healthy living, access to needed services, and reduce social isolation. St. clair county, il
The chw training program is a training program that prepares the participant to take the certification exam. The training consists of a 45 hour interactive classroom curriculum that focuses on roles, skills and competencies of a successful community health worker (chw). Participants learn to assess individual and community health care needs, make referrals to appropriate service providers, and implement programs that promote, maintain, and improve both individual and community health, a chw is a frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of the community served that enables the worker to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to service and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery. Trusted neighborhood transportation (tnt) promotes quality of life for our most vulnerable populations in lake county,in, by providing medical and non-medical transportation for clients to our program classes, medical appointments, va services, grocery and medication pick-ups and more. In 2023, tnt provided 1,429 rides. The heart program empowers and supports people across lake county,in to live healthier lives. Heart reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease amonst those at greater risk for cvd and otherchronic diseases. Heart is a comprehensive wellness program that educates participants on nutrition, physical activity, disease self-management skills, medical services, and personalized care plans. In 2023, heart reached and educated 1,209 individuals, 482 people were screened for risk of cvd, 43% lost weight and lowered ther bmi, and 84% increased their knowledge about heart disease and learned to live healthier lives.
Fort wayne, in hvms programs focus on improving health outcomes, reducing social isolation, and empowering individuals and families. Central to these efforts is the allen county health equity coalition (achec), a collaboration of social services, government agencies, and other organizations committed to advancing health equity in allen county. There were 40 active members in the coalition in 2023. Through initiatives like the wellness initiative, health education classes,the healthy child advocate program, and heal farm markets, hvm addresses barriers such as limited access to quality healthcare, helping residents overcome challenges and thrive. We also amplified to 869 contacts an awareness of lead poisoning and how imperative lead testing is among children younger than age three. Through your support, this lead messaging campaign effectively heightened understanding and action toward safeguarding the health of our precious children. Healthy eating and active living (heal) farm markets operated three key markets in 2023, offering affordable fresh fruits and vegetables in food desert areas. These markets, supported by grant dollars,doubled the buying power for wic,snap,and snap,and senior food voucher recipients, logging over 1,725 transactions between july and october 2023. Hvm helped provide heal(healthy eating active living)market management of fresh foods in food deserts. 2023 impact and reach: facilitated 524 impactful engagements aimed at combating obesity and enhancing food intake. Educated 634 individuals about the critical aspects of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. With vital knowledge and resources, these individuals were empowered to combat these diseases. Interacted through 364 impactful engagements aimed at enhancing public awareness and understanding of mental health issues to foster a better informed and more supportive community. Directly impacted 51 individuals by significantly advancing their understanding and practices related to oral health and empowering them to take proactive steps toward improving their oral hygiene. Made 417 contacts to significantly bridge critical gaps to enhance latino access to essential healthcare services and comprehensive health screenings.
Astrazeneca health care foundation sponsored the heart program through october 2023. Community health workers engage with clients in their homes or other locations to conduct health screenings that include blood pressure, weight and bmi. They also provide one-on-one coaching to help clients identify and achieve their health goals. They also
Provide referrals and resources to access other community services. Some positive health outcomes of the heart program included improved blood pressure, decrease in weight and bmi, increased physical activity, improved nutrition, decreased take-out meals, and better stress management.