Program areas at Healthy Gulf
Resilient Communities and Climate Justice HG (1) works to build an active and engaged constituency to support natural storm protection and restoration efforts for the Gulf Coast region, (2) advocates for the use of green infrastructure in the Greater New Orleans area to address localized flooding, (3) works to reduce the contributions of the fossil fuel industry to climate change and address the disproportionate impacts of climate change on low income and communities of color, and (4) documents and addresses the continuing environmental and community impact of the fossil fuel industry and its associated infrastructure (e.g., pipelines) as well as the petrochemical industry in the five Gulf states, and to hold these industries accountable for their continuing pollution.
Hurricane Ida Relief In the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, Healthy Gulf acted upon its commitment to support our community partners through the process of rebuilding, drawing connections between climate disaster, coastal resiliency, and just recovery. We raised funds to support the deployment of hundreds of volunteers. Our primary work in 2021 and 2022, was to gut, clean and temporarily mitigate the roof damaged homes in the river parishes of Louisiana and to help various service groups and environmental organizations provide enough volunteer labor to meet relief requests in our queue. This program ended during 2022.
Resilient Habitat and Healthy Water HG works to improve water quality by identifying pollution issues and providing technical assistance, training, and mentoring to numerous communities faced with pollution. HG also works to improve the development and implementation of watershed and coastal wetlands restoration plans and to prevent damaging projects that destroy wetlands and/or impact water quality. HG supports activities focused on achieving fishery management regulations that are science-based, promoting sustainable fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico, advocating for the protection of marine habitat, and promoting protections for marine mammals. HG works closely with local communities by providing frequent updates and action alerts on water quality, wetlands, and fisheries issues.