Program areas at Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies the Montana Coalition
MT ECC - The Montana Early Childhood Coalition (MTECC) is a group of local early childhood groups who have met regularly for several years with backbone support from HMHB. Through monthly meetings and coordinated projects, the MTECC provides opportunities for shared professional development, joint advocacy, parent engagement, peer resource sharing, and statewide collaboration to promote positive perinatal and early childhood outcomes across Montana. Projects have included the Montana Children's Health Data Partnership Project, a crisis mapping project to track what happens in each community when a pregnant woman presents to a provider as suicidal, and identification of relevant local resources. httpshmhbmtorgforpartnerslocalear...
The LIFTS (Linking Infants and Families to Supports) Program consists of a statewide online resource guide ( that lists support providers and family-friendly, substance-limited events across Montana. In addition to the resource guide, HMHB produces an annual magazine that shares stories from Montana parents about when HMHB has helped them, in order to normalize accessing resources. HMHB distributes 12,000 copies across the state.
MMH focuses on maternal and parental mental health in Montana. This program includes the following projects:-Perinatal Workforce Development: HMHB hosts an annual conference and coordinates with partners and funders to cultivate meaningful training opportunities for providers serving families in Montana. - Meadowlark, a partnership with the Montana Health Care Foundation and the state health department to integrate behavioral health into perinatal care in more than 20 grantee sites across the state. HMHB provides technical assistance to help connect medical, behavioral health and community-based support providers to improve referrals and outcomes for moms, babies and families. - PRISM for MOMs (Psychiatric Referrals, Interventions, and Support in Montana), a partnership with a Montana psychiatric practice to provide telepsychiatric consultation for providers working with clients with perinatal mental health issues, see https:D22//;-Look Closer, a statewide public messaging campaign to decrease the negative biases surrounding perinatal substance use disorders and increase prenatal care access using a trauma-informed approach to promote recovery and support those seeking help, httpshmhbmtorglookcloserAssistance and infrastructure support to building a group of 25 peer support (GPS) facilitators to host monthly virtual groups in Montana, These facilitators create space for people in their communities, especially vulnerable parents in the perinatal period.