Program areas at Heart Shot Ministry
Heart Shot travels extensively with our mobile range/program, especially during the summer months, to Christian College Campuses, Christian Camps, churches, etc. During the year we travel to several day/evening events. Our travel expenses include fuel, meals, lodging, and typical travel expenses.
Heart Shot's CEO's compensation is raised by the CEO and paid out as 1099 Independent Contractor. The CEO manages all facets of the day to day operations, and this amount equals the percentage of time dedicated to programing.
Heart Shot Base Camp is a 31 Acre property, which includes a camp lodge turned into residence, where the Bendickson Family resides to maintain the property, which hosts groups, events, and an outdoor archery range during the summer months.
The remaining categories of program expenses consist of ongoing operations at our two indoor archery ranges, and our outdoor property. Expenses include maintenance, supplies, equipment, consumables, snack/drink sales, interest on property, insurance, etc. These facilities serve on average 80-100 patrons per week throughout the year through 5 public sessions in our indoor ranges that are free of charge. We use these facilities for private events that help offset our operations expenses, while the remaining deficit is made up with general private donations.