Program areas at Heart To Heart Leadership
Workplace programs - in fy22 we provided 56 customized workplace programs, coaching or consulting To a combined total of over 1,515 people, fulfilling our mission of enriching lives by helping individuals and organizations strengthen and live their inner values. Approximately 554 hours of programming time were given To work environments from education, government, healthcare, law, industry, and nonprofit services To name a few. 5,550 in pro-bono services and 7,400 in tuition assistance were given To local organizations so they might participate in our programs.
Community programs - we provided two enneagram workshops which were attended by a combined 27 people. We provided three coffee conversation sessions which were attended by a combined 90 people. Our board members and other volunteers donated over 200 hours throughout this year helping our organization accomplish our mission and share our message with the community.
Leadership connection series - this year we held 46 Leadership connection sessions for 71 people for a total of 2,111 hours of development of personal and Leadership growth. This included two expeditions of our purposeful Leadership program for the continued development of experienced leaders. 8,650 in tuition assistance were given To participants in Leadership connection series.