Program areas at Heartline Ministries
Heartline maternity center. This program is located in port-au -prince, haiti to combat the dismal maternal health reality in haiti through excellent medical care, health education, nutrition, and compassionate support that effectively reduces the high incidence of maternal and infant mortality and prevents children from becoming orphans.
The education center operates in port-au-prince haiti and teaches essential income generating skills empowering haitian men and women to pursue their dreams, provide for their families, and build a brighter future for their communities. Graduates primarily employ these skills to start small enterprises to meet the financial needs of their families.
The poverty programs include all the organization's general efforts to combat poverty in haiti. They include direct individual and family assistance for housing, health and education expenses and job creation activities.
The discipleship & community outreach programs include a men's discipleship program and community outreach programs in haiti. These programs were created to minister to prisoners, orphanages, children with disabilities, children living in extreme material poverty, and elderly haitians. The programs outreach ministry includes sharing bread baked at the Heartline bakery, evangelism, worship and prayer, and developing personal relationships to communicate love and the dignity to each person. The organization operated the starting place birth and wellness center in temple, Texas through early august of 2023 when it was sold. The center offered excellent midwifery care and support to growing families in bell county, Texas and surrounding areas. Midwifery care is uniquely nurturing; we care for the physical,psychological, and social well-being of the birthing parent throughout the childbearing cycle. We provided each client with individualized education, counseling, and prenatal care, skilled hands-on assistance and monitoring during labor and delivery, and postpartum support. We are trauma-informed care providers and are committed to maternal mental wellness. The starting place was operated by employing the model of the Heartline maternity center in port au prince, haiti using the starting place manual developed by the organization which is a step- by-step guide on how to build a maternal health program in low resource settings. The organization provides classes and training to other individuals and organizations that are interested in expanding maternal health to low resource areas.