Program areas at Heights and Hills
Caregiver programwe provide free services to support family caregivers anyone who provides unpaid services for a loved one or friend who is age 60 or older. Services include individual confidential counseling, support groups, crisis intervention, short-term respite care, caregiver workshops. In fy23, Heights and Hills served 725 caregivers, provided 15 training sessions, offered 41 support group sessions, and provided 4,578 hours of respite home care. Case management program. (continued on schedule o)our case management program helps adults aged 60 and older stay in their own homes as they age. Each client receives a comprehensive in-home assessment, including safety, nutrition, health care, ability to carry out the necessities of daily life, social supports and a screening for entitlements and benefits. Then an individualized care plan is put in place with linkages to community resources like home care, meals and other services that allow the individual to remain living safely at home. In fy23, Heights and Hills delivered 24,323 hours of case management service to 2,370 clients and provided information/referral and short-term service to 1,372 individuals. Park slope center for successful agingour park slope center for successful aging is a neighborhood hub for people 60 and better, providing opportunities for arts and education, physical exercise, and volunteerism, as well as communal lunchtime meals and opportunities to connect and find purpose. We collaborate with other community groups and organizations to create a vibrant and thriving community center that embraces the wisdom and experience of those who have helped to build our communities. In fy23, Heights and Hills served 365 individuals, with 11,294 meals, 43 unique classes/programs, 14 one-time workshops, and 85 hours of social service assistance. Volunteer programwe help make meaningful matches for homebound older people who want companionship. Friendly visiting and telephone reassurance volunteers are selected based on geography and shared interests. We made 36 new friendly visiting matches this year. We delivered 400 meals on thanksgiving day to approximately 200 homebound older adults and their caregivers. In fy23 Heights and Hills worked with 650 volunteers who logged 3,479 hours of service.