Program areas at Helena Food Share
During the fiscal year ended june 30, 2023, Helena Food Share provided Food assistance to neighbors in need in the greater Helena Share Helena Food Share, Inc. Operates a grocery Share program (choice shopping) in three locations: the lewis street pantry, the east Helena mobile pantry, and the mobile pop-up pantry. At june 30, 2023 the number of services provided through the grocery Share program were as follows: full-shop services (all Food items, up to once per month) - 15,773 half-shop services (perishable foods, up to once per week) - 15,742 total grocery Share services - 31,515holiday serviceat thanksgiving and christmas, Helena Food Share provides a turkey and extra sides so they can serve traditional holiday meals. At june 30, 2023, Helena Food Share provided these holiday meal services. Thanksgiving holiday meal Share services - 1,223 christmas holiday meal Share services - 1,001 total - 2,224kid packshelena Food Share serves local elementary-school children through the kid packs program. Students identified by school teachers and staff are given a special pack of kid-friendly foods to provide a source of weekend nutrition. During fiscal year 2023, the program served children through the school year in head start, pre-school, elementary and middle school classrooms in Helena and east helena.kid packs - 46,222senior assistancehelena Food Share gives targeted Food assistance to income-eligible seniors. During fiscal year 2023, the senior farmers market nutrition program provided a $48 supply of coupons to 304 seniors for shopping at the Helena farmers market. This lets seniors enhance their Food resources with fresh, montana-grown vegetables, fruit and herbs. Helena Food Share also is the Helena distribution partner to rocky mountain development council for its senior commodities Food program. Eligible seniors receive nutritious, usda-supplied Food items on a bimonthly basis. During fiscal year 2023, commodity boxes were distributed to 1,464 collaborationemergency snack pack distribution occurs with many agencies and organizations, including the friendship center, god's love, good samaritan, office of public assistance, our place, pureview health center, ywca and others. Helena Food Share distributed 5,326 emergency snack packs in fiscal year 2023. In 2021, Helena Food Share began Food is care, a partnership program with st. peter's health serving community members referred by caregivers with st. peter's health who experience Food insecurity, have mobility or transportation challenges and diet-sensitive chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or hypertension. 323 Food is care services were provided by Helena Food Share in fiscal year 2023. Also as a partnership with st. peter's health, in 2022 Helena Food Share, Inc. added a program called Food farmacy rx to serve food-insecure individuals who are prescribed a health choice diet by a medical provider. During fiscal year 2023, Helena foodshare provided 43 Food farmacy rx services.helena Food Share distributes surplus Food to other local nonprofit agencies, such as god's love and the center for mental health services. Helena Food Share also assists the Montana Food bank network by providing a delivery and pickup center for Food it distributes to other local agencies.