Program areas at HelpHOPELive
Approximately 893 patients and families were assisted with uninsured medically related expenses, including hospital bills, medical insurance, home health care expenses, medications, temporary subsistence, accessible transportation, accessible home modifications, medical travel and temporary relocation expenses, rehabilitation and other post-care, medical equipment, and more.
Public education on issues facing transplant, catastrophic injury, and catstrophic illness patients provided nationwide through monthly e-newsletter, blog, social media, website, and webinars followed/attended by thousands of patients, patients families, health care professionals, community supporters, and fundraising volunteers. Organ and tissue donor awareness through the distribution of donor cards and fact sheets at client fundraisers. Regular in-services at hospitals as well as exhibiting and speaking engagements at professional health care conferences.
Fundraising guidance, resources, and support (including network identification, event how-tos, media outreach, online and social fundraising, partner benefits) available to 5,580 clients.