Program areas at Helpmate
Crisis stabilization: Helpmate provided critical and life-saving services to 3,559 victims of domestic violence, including emergency shelter, crisis hotline, lethality assessment, safety planning, counseling, case management, court advocacy, system-advocacy and education. Helpmate provided intake and supportive services at the buncombe county family justice center, a one-stop, comprehensive service location for victims seeking safety. Helpmate responded to 3,091 crisis calls and helped survivors form 15,339 safety plans. In addition, Helpmate provided emergency shelter to 246 adults and children for 5,867 safe bed nights. Helpmate provided specialized child and family advocacy and children's services to 1,069 children impacted by domestic violence.
Prevention: Helpmate's prevention and outreach programming provided education to 3,504 people through 91 workshops. Among these, Helpmate reached 448 professionals and first responders, 1235 youth and college students, 222 adults at heightened risk for violence, and 1,599 additional community members.
Court advocacy: Helpmate's court advocacy program supported 1,207 people accessing help through criminal and civil court systems. Advocates assisted people to obtain 431 domestic violence protective orders.