Program areas at Henderson Health Care Services
Ancillary Services - Henderson Health Care Services is a 13-bed community-based Health Care network located in the heart of rural Nebraska. Ancillary Services provided include radiology, laboratory, operating and recovery rooms, physical, respiratory, intravenous, occupational and speech therapies, central Services, emergency room, specialty clinic, anesthesiology, electrocardiology, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, labor and delivery rooms and diabetic fiscal year 2023, the hospital provided 2,930 radiology procedures and 2,994 physical therapy visits, saw 740 visits to the emergency room and performed 221 operations. Henderson provided 286 patient days of acute Care and 505 patient days of swing-bed Care.
Pharmacy/oncology - salaries include a full time pharmacist and part time pharmacy technician that performs medication order reviews for all medications ordered for the hhcs cah, this pharmacist also performs the monthly internal review of pharmacy/medication for the cah and ltc. Supplies expense is mostly composed of medication costs for all the medications administered to the er, op, ip, sk and opo patients at hhcs. Medications are purchased mostly through cardinal.
Rural Health clinics - this encompasses two provider based rhcs, one located adjacent to the cah and one satellite clinic in sutton which offers expanded lab and x-ray. We employ 3 mds and 4 pas to staff these clinics along with nursing and admission staff. Being located near the interstate we are able to serve those traveling through with healthcare needs, but our general service area includes Henderson, york, hampton, bradshaw, mccool, sutton, clay center, and aurora. We average over 10,000 clinic visits between the two locations and we provide family practice Services including obstetric Care, geriatric Care, and pediatric Care.
Ltc nursing - we are a 40-bed ltc non-medicare certified facility, we serve a mixture of private and medicaid patients and for fiscal year 2023 we had 87% occupancy. The largest single cost within this department is salaries as they carry 26.3 ftes in this department, which includes an assistant administrator, director of nursing, and assistant director of nursing. The next highest costs are the employee benefits for the staff, including Health insurance and retirement plan. We also incur a quarterly assessment tax from ne dhhs, assessed at $3.50 per bed per resident day so approximately $44,000 per year.