Program areas at Henry Street Settlement
Health & wellness: our health and wellness programs include a licensed mental health clinic, school-based mental health programming in several local school sites, vocational rehabilitation services, and hiv family mental health services. Our neighborhood and parent center provides programs including benefits screening and health enrollments. We also provide comprehensive senior services including meals on wheels, a senior center, senior companions volunteer program, and a naturally occurring retirement community (norc). In fy23 we served 11,645 participants in these programs.
Shelter and transitional housing: our four homeless shelters have pioneered innovative approaches to providing effective services that are characterized by an individualized approach to working with our clients. Our shelters include the urban family center, the first to provide apartment-style shelter to homeless families; helen's house, which offers transitional apartments and support services for single parents with young children; the third Street shelter for single women with mental health diagnoses; and a shelter for survivors of domestic violence and their children. In fy23 we served 1,304 participants in these programs.
Education & employment training: program services in this area operate year-round and served 6,737 participants in fy23. Programs include comprehensive early childhood education for children ages 2-4, afterschool and camp programming for children 5-16, high school choice support, college access and retention services, job training for young adults and adults, job placement and retention services for low-income unemployed and underemployed job seekers, internship programs, english language learner programs, and summer employment programming. Program structures vary and include walk-in services and programs by cohort.
Abrons arts center: in fy23, abrons arts center attracted 21,177 audience members from across the city, as well as national and international art enthusiasts through virtual and in-person events. A thriving artist-in-residence program offered residencies to 27 emerging artists, and on-site arts education programming provided multi-disciplinary classes in music, dance, theater, and the visual arts to 779 children and adults of all ages and skill levels. Through our long-established collaboration with the nyc department of education, we offered high quality arts classes by professional teaching artists at dozens of public schools across the city, reaching 227 students.