Program areas at HER Cincinnati
CINCINNATI SCHOLAR HOUSE [Est. 2020]: Through Cincinnati Scholar House, we provide safe, affordable housing and wraparound supports to low-income single mothers and their children. Our goal is to empower single mothers to complete a postsecondary educational or employment program, secure a family-sustaining job, and create a legacy of stability that continues from one generation to the next. This program is located within a 44-unit affordable housing space. Residents contribute up to 30% of their income towards rent and receive access to a variety of onsite services, such as case management; academic tutoring; career readiness workshops; life skills workshops; and linkages to affordable, high-quality childcare.We support approximately 54 families through Cincinnati Scholar House each year. All families are led by single parents who are pursuing a postsecondary credential, such as a college degree, a job certification program or an industry apprenticeship. In total, 86.4% of participants identify as Black, 4.5% identify as multiracial, and 9.1% identify as white. All participating families are led by single mothers between the ages of 18 and 39.
OFF THE STREETS [Est. 2006]: Off the Streets is HER Cincinnati's holistic recovery program for women who are survivors of human trafficking. Clients reside at our 24-bed communal shelter, where they can access basic needs, addiction recovery services, and trauma-informed case management. After completing the first phase of the recovery process, clients have the option of moving into our OTS transitional housing space, which is located on floors directly above our OTS shelter. These clients can then work toward greater levels of self-sufficiency while still being able to access our wraparound supports on an as-needed basis. Each year, 75-100 women participate in OTS. Currently, 62% of clients are white, 31% are African American, and 7% are multiracial. Clients range in age from 18 to 57 years old. All (100%) of OTS clients are survivors of domestic human trafficking who have a history of incarceration. In a typical year, 61% of clients report a mental health diagnosis, 98% require substance abuse treatment, and 20% have a diagnosed physical or mental disability.
THE ANNA LOUISE INN [Est. 1909]: Through our Anna Louise Inn, we provide permanent supportive housing to women experiencing chronic homelessness. HER Cincinnati operates the Inn as a Housing Assistance Program, offering rental subsidies so that residents pay only 30% of their income towards rent. We offer wraparound case management services to all residents, with the goal of helping them graduate to independent, stable housing. Each year, we serve 85 women through the Inn. All (100%) of participants are low-income women who have a certificate of chronic homelessness. The majority of participants have been diagnosed with either a substance use disorder or a mental health disorder as well.