Program areas at Hesperian Health Guides
Creating books, apps and online Health resources in many languages: Hesperian creates new materials across issue areas of critical importance to physical and psychological well-being, including primary Health care; reproductive, environmental, and children's Health; living with chronic illness and disabilities; and workers' Health and safety. This year, Hesperian developed and produced books and apps and online resources in five program areas: environmental justice and Health, women's reproductive Health and rights, mental Health, and epilepsy and seizures. We also released a new edition of where women have no doctor and updated medical information in our other publiciations and our multi-lingual reproductive Health apps to extend reproductive Health information and services to adolescents and young women.
Fulfillment: fulfills orders for users of Hesperian books worldwide, including books donated to community Health workers through Hesperian's gratis book program. Fulfillment costs include postage and shipping and cost of all books sold.
Health outreach: Hesperian resources are used in 231 countries and territories, we pursue many strategies to ensure we reach the most underserved communities. This year Hesperian used social media to reach over 13 million people worldwide with critical reproductive Health information. Webinars, printed postcards, flyers, whatsapp messages and many other creative strategies developed with partners to share vital Health information globally. Hesperian's reproductive Health apps, in 11 languages were used in 193 countries. Hesperian's online Health information is now available in 45 languages on our healthwiki, a mobile-friendly platform accessible even in locations with low bandwidth and used by an average of 9,000 people a day. Hesperian distributed over 1,000 free books to community-based organizations, midwives, community Health workers, librarians, and volunteers in 20 countries. Hesperian staff supported 150 partners working on adaptations of Hesperian materials.