Program areas at Higher Heights Leadership Fund
Strategic Planning Conducted strategic planning process and tactical plans to accelerate the growth, impact and Strategic Planning - Lead the development of a comprehensive strategic planning process and devising tactical plans to accelerate the growth, impact and sustainability of Black womens political power and leadership over the next 10 years.
Convenings & Events Host events, townhalls and conversations that gather Black women in communities to discuss issues concerning Black women and their families. Events and convenings create spaces for Black women to be informed, engaged and to take action that will expand Black womens civic engagement beyond the voting booth, to increasing the number of Black women pursuing elected leadership.
Strategic Communications/Digital Campaigns/Research Creating an environment for Black women to lead through research cultural shifting communications work and digital campaigns. Develop on and offline communications to help elevate Black womens voices and help shape the national narrative about Black women in American politics. Accomplished through the development of website content, production of Sunday Brunch Series, FacebookLive and X chat events and seeking to expand earned media opportunities. Compile, conduct and release research on Black womens political and civic leadership
#BlackWomenVote, a non partisan voter-activism campaign powered by Higher Heights is the leading, independent and trusted voice for Black Women leading up to 2022 and beyond. #BlackWomenVote provides the latest election news, commentary and tool for Black women to prepare to vote, and get out the vote within their social networks.
Outreach and Partnership - Expand relationships with national and local partners to expand Higher Heights reach to support programming and intend convenings and meetings.
Network Developing a network of Black women and allies and providing members with education, trainin, and tools to harness their political power. Create on and offline activities and networking opportunities to help Black women lead.