Program areas at HCLT
In 2023 the Highlands Cashiers Land Trust (HCLT) completed four land projects: three new conservation easements (78 acres)and one fee simple donation (<1 acre). As of the end of 2023 HCLT conserves 3,813 acres in 118 places. . Completed 100% monitoring of all conservation easement and fee simple lands held by HCLT. Worked with conservation easement land-owners to ensure protection of respective conservation values and improvements of various rare habitat types and plant communities through perpetuity. Continued to maintain public access hiking trails and view shed areas across the Highlands- Cashiers plateau. Engaged the local community to build volunteer bases to tackle various projects such as trail maintenance, trail improvements, new public access area development, invasive species treatment, and habitat restoration.
The Land Trust continues to ensure that it operates ethically, morally, and legally. HCLT is an accredited organization by the Land Trust Alliance and operates under a set of land trust practices and standards. HCLT seeks to maintain appropriate insurance coverage and completed an annual financial audit of its 2023 fiscal year.
HCLTs education and outreach efforts focus on educating the public about conservation and the natural world by providing opportunities for children, families, and adults to engage in hands-on nature education and exploration activities at no cost. Our programs generally fall into three categories: guided hikes (EcoTours), youth environmental education programs (Kids in Nature), and community speaker events (Village Nature Series). In 2023, we led nine EcoTours for 143 participants, 40 Kids in Nature programs for 820 children, and six Village Nature Series Events for a total of 224 participants.