Program areas at Hillcrest Educational Centers
Hillcrest center residential treatment and education program (highpoint) - this program is a trauma informed care residential treatment setting for students with a variety of high-risk behaviors and mental health diagnosis. The program provides specialized treatment for high-risk behaviors including, physical aggression, self-injury and suicidal ideation, substance use and fire setting, among many others. The program is designed to provide programming that is individualized to meet the needs of each student. The program provides an on-site year round Educational program as well as a structured residential and milieu environment. Students are also provided with vocational and independent living skills. Our medical services include routine medical care delivered by nurses on-site as well as psychiatric services and medication management. The program provides an intensely structured, therapeutic and nurturing environment with high staff-to-student ratios. This allows the students to learn new skills including coping skills, emotional regulation skills, mindfulness skills and interpersonal relationship skills to help them become more successful as they prepare for transition to a lower level of care or community setting.
Autism spectrum disorder residential program - offers highly specialized day and intensive residential treatment services for children and adolescents at all levels of the autism spectrum. The program's high staff-to-student ratio ensures a safe, caring and highly structured treatment environment. To monitor progress, the organization uses state-of-the-art collection and analysis systems for ongoing assessments of social needs, communication, academic/skill acquisition, vocational needs, recreation and behavioral difficulities. The program facility is located in the berkshires of western Massachusetts, and has been specifically designed for the safety and special needs of the autism population.
Intensive treatment unit program - this program strives to break the debilitating cycle of multiple failed placements and repeated hospitalizations experienced by our students. The program provides crisis stabilization and comprehensive diagnostic assessment services for students with severe behavioral and psychiatric challenges. Essential components of care and treatment include specialized therapeutic services, small classroom settings with one-on-one assistance readily available, psychiatric services, nursing services, rehabilitation services such as speech and occupational therapy. The program facility is located in the berkshire hills of great barrington, ma.
Other treatment related programs include the day treatment and education unit program which provides a safe, therapeutic environment where students can learn to their highest potential. The special needs children receive individualized education, counseling and support services they need to learn and be successful. Other treatment related programs include the psychological services program and the asd day program.