Program areas at Hillel of Colorado
Observance: Hillel attempts to maximize the number of students having meaningful Jewish experiences. Hillel provides Jewish opportunities that offer a broad spectrum of choices for Jewish experiences that aim toward strengthening ownership of the Jewish experience. The diversity and balance of the opportunities are reflective of the resources available and the interests of the Jewish student population. Hillel expresses the value of pluralism and meets the needs of diverse alternatives to the established denominations for spiritual expression with Shabbat and holiday experiences. Religious needs are met on campus and through cooperation with off-campus institutions.
Leadership Programming: Hillel of Colorado seeks to engage leaders on all three campuses by putting them in charge of their own destiny for all programming aspects including observance, engagement, and education and advocacy. Opportunities are available for them to participate in Hillel International training programs as well as on campus forums. It is the student board who makes decisions about where programming will take them each semester and quarter.
Engagement Programming: Engagement programming is designed to ensure that student's are provided with diverse opportunities to express their Jewish identity. Hillel's goal is to meet the students where they are at, both physically and emotionally. We create multiple entry points for them to explore and celebrate their Judaism. In order to be successful, Hillel staff and student leaders emphasize one-on-one relationship building and creation of peer network engagement groups that focus on specific interest areas. Activities include: BBQ's, cooking series, community service, Israel advocacy, leadership development, rock climbing, ski trips, outdoor adventures, Jewish education, etc.
Education and Advocacy:Holocaust Awareness, Israel Education, Jewish Education, Birthright Trips, Intern Mentoring in the community, Sustainability, Interfaith Programming and Niche Programs. These are at both of our campuses and actively involve the Hillel staff and student volunteers along with Jewish Education, Wellness and General Supplies.