Program areas at Hired
Family stability: we help families gain stability, transition from public assistance, and prepare for and enter the workforce. Our team creates a safety net for families with tremendous life barriers to personal and economic equity that empowers them to gain skills, education, and jobs.
Youth achievement: youth voice guides our work to help disadvantaged youth overcome barriers to academic, economic, and housing stability. The majority of young people we serve are disconnected from school, many have been impacted by homelessness, and are transitioning from the juvenile justice and/or foster care systems.
Rapid re-tool & job placement: Hired offers one-to-one coaching and wraparound supports designed to help recently laid-off individuals and adults with distinct employment barriers, re-train, re-energize, and re-enter the workforce.
Career pathways job training: prepare low-income jobseekers for positions in high growth job sectors that offer career laddering opportunities. Our pathways programs include post-secondary and/or employer-recognized credentials.