Program areas at Homage Senior Services
Nutrition Services: we believe good nutrition and socialization improve health and quality of life. Homage Senior Services operates two meals programs to provide critical nutrition to our elderly neighbors and promote socialization and community engagement. The needs remain well above the funds available to meet the demand. In 2023, meals on wheels delivered 281,578 meals to 1,737 homebound older adults and individuals living with disabilities in Snohomish County. In 2023, our community table dining program provided 114,501 hot meals to 2,468 older adults at 12 community sites throughout Snohomish County.
Minor home repair Services: we believe that everyone should have a safe place to call home. Our minor home repair program provides safety repairs and accessibility modifications that enable low income seniors and adults with disabilities to stay in their own home as they age. Typical repairs include: installation of handrails, ramp repairs, plumbing and carpentry repairs, water heater replacements, heating repairs, and repairs on minor roof leaks. In 2023, 2,278 repairs were completed for 889 clients.
Social Services: we believe that everyone should have access to information and Services that promote independence and wellness. Finding the right service at the right time can be overwhelming for elders, individuals with disabilities and those who care for them. These populations often face numerous obstacles; loss of health, mental health concerns, inability to care for themselves, abuse, and exploitation. Each year Homage Senior Services helps thousands of people find solutions to life's challenges. Our aging and disability resource network fielded 29,133 requests for information in 2023 and provided specific Services to 1,478 clients. Other social Services include family caregiver, kinship caregiver, Senior companion, and foster grandparent to help families stay connected, find resources, and reduce isolation for seniors. Mental health is essential to personal well being. Homage offers a full spectrum of social determinant of health Services including mental health access, care coordination, chronic disease self management education, telephonic and in person mental health care, and enhanced wellness classes. The demand for mental health care continues to increase. During 2023, Homage's mental health program conducted 516 hours of chronic disease self anagement education and assisted 2,669 clients including depression screenings, professional short-term counseling, peer counseling sessions and checking in with isolated seniors.
Transportation Services: we believe that everyone should have safe and accessible transportation options. The transportation assistance program (tap) provides round trip service, transporting seniors and adults with disabilities in rural areas of Snohomish County to medical appointments, shopping, and other necessary errands. Tap operated 14 wheelchair accessible vehicles, 5 days each week and provided 22,028 trips.