Program areas at Homeless Children's Education Fund
Mobile learninghcef works with partners including 27 housing agencies and public schools in allegheny county to create hope through learning for Homeless children and youth. Our programs reach children from pre-school through young adulthood. In 2023, all programs continued to support students in person and virtually. Hcef continued to expand the mobile learning program which aims to bring tutoring services to meet families where they are. The mobile learning program meets the unique needs of students experiencing housing instability. Students experiencing homelessness learn and grow with high quality, mobile tutors that visit students where they are in the community. Instructors and volunteers travel to bring tutoring to students' homes, libraries, parks, or other locations convenient for families. During the sessions, tutors bring academic activities, books, and supplies during their visits. The program was piloted in the summer of 2021 and has continued to grow.
Htlathis educational award program provides funding to students who have experienced homelessness and are heading on to post-secondary colleges and universities, trade school or career institutes. Our teen outreach program has two staff and several volunteer tutors who are responsible for this direct service program. They work to address the unique challenges of teens experiencing homelessness who are doubled up or moving from relative to relative for a host of reasons. We receive referrals from guidance counselors and social workers and then provide career and college readiness preparation to these teens during school hours. We added a workforce component to the program called teen career exploration opportunities (teen c.e.o). Teens are provided with an internship site and a work stipend for eight weeks during the summer. The annual backpack distribution that provides over 1,000 fully equipped backpacks to children and youth experiencing homelessness. These are based on community requests and are distributed to 25 of our partners.
Afterschoolhomeless shelter learning centers are built just for kids and equipped with technology and resources for educational support. These centers are equipped with books, games and educational toys in addition to posters and prompts that foster emotional and social development. We equip and refresh these spaces, as needed, to keep them at peak quality for our youth. Building blocks for success afterschool and summer programming is delivered to children living in Homeless shelters and temporary residences. With our instructors, literacy specialist and intern teams, we forge relationships with youth and their parents that enable trust and learning. A quality instructor at each site is assisted by a literacy specialist (who shares time between all sites) and 2-3 college interns and volunteers. Hcef conducted group zoom sessions and got to know each family individually (the youth and their parents) during the pandemic. We focus on outcomes in three areas: learning strategies and engagement, developmental relationships and social and emotional learning. Enrichment programs bring creative, hands-on steam (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) experiences to enhance learning. The objectives of these programs are to expand a child's world, integrate them into large community activities and provide a basis for "prior knowledge."