Program areas at Homes with Hope
Permanent supportive housing: Homes with Hope oversees fifty-two supportive housing units in westport and norwalk for individuals and families who have experienced chronic homelessness. Case managers assist residents with the tools they need to maintain housing stability and independent living. Homes with hopes permanent supportive housing program serves over 80 men, women and children a year.
Rapid rehousing: an evidence-based approach to end homelessness quickly by providing short-term case management services and targeted financial assistance. Based on the housing first model, rrh case managers help clients find housing and then provide them with any additional services they might need. This intervention has low barriers to entry, high placement rates, and low rates of return to shelter. The rapid re-housing program ultimately helps our clients reach their goal of stable housing. Dozens of individuals are placed in stable housing by Homes with Hope through the rapid rehousing program each year.
Gillespie center & hoskins place. Located in downtown westport, ct the gillespie center and housing place emergency shelter program provides emergency shelter, social services, and case management for single men and women aged 18 and over. The food pantry and community kitchen, located at the shelter, serve shelter residents and community members who are food insecure. Gillespie center & hoskins place emergency shelter and food program serves hundreds of individuals and families each year.
Asap and heal- youth and young adult academic and mentor programs: Homes with Hope programs provide consistent structure, positive role models, academic support, and enrichment/community service activities to help young people develop the skills needed to succeed at school and in their personal lives. Homes with hopes asap, heal and mentoring programs serve approximately 100 youth and young adults each year.
Diversion services: the lack of affordable housing and the high cost of rent and living in fairfield county have created a greater demand for diversion services. Shelter diversion is a strategy that prevents individuals and families from entering the homeless response system by identifying immediate alternative housing arrangements and connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion intends to give someone who has become homeless a positive alternative to entering an emergency shelter or being unsheltered. Homes with hopes diversion program serves approximately 200 individuals per year.