Program areas at Honeoye Fish and Game Club
The Honeoye Fish & Game Club, Inc. engages in Skeet, Trap, & Rifle Shooting Sunday mornings all year long, and is a participant in the Livingston County Trap League which engages in competitive (Registered) Trap shooting. In addition, there are specialty shoots, such as "Turkey Shoots." This also comprises gun raffles and awards.
The Honeoye Figh & Game Club, Inc. also engages in other raffles, fundraising, and renting of their pavilion to members in order to foster a spirit of community, and assist generally in paying for other events, and amounts paid for member berevement and memorial.
The Honeoye Fish & Game Club, Inc. sponsers the Kids Ice Fishing Clinic in January, and Hunter Training & Safety Courses in satisifaction of NYS Hunter Safety requirements in an effort to provide the community with safe and fun outdoor recreation. Provides free assistance in fish stocking Honeoye lake, Helps NYS DEC to reach their wildlife mgt goals. Provide to members berevement. And other misc. programs as required.
The Honeoye Fish & Game Club, Inc. has member Easter Egg hunts, a Kids Christmas party, an Adult Christmas Party, a summer Horse Shoe League, and a fall Turkey Shoot & a Holloween party for the children.
Berevement & token help with tradegies to demonstrate the club's caring.