Program areas at Hope Christian Services
The possibility center - the agency adult vocational experience (tpc) is an adult day training special needs program for individuals age 21 and over. Adults work in small group settings and are assisted one-to-one for transport, in-house errands and community outings. Tpc activities include daily functional living skills. Adults also play adapted games in small groups. Each adult has personal goals that are incorporated into all activities.tpc program received grant funding of $99,006 from the state of new jersey to sustain operations.
Residential living - the residents of the congregate care center come from diverse backgrounds and have differing needs. Each one is a unique individual. All residents are encouraged to achieve their maximum potential with the assistance of the agency staff. Our emphasis is on providing a nurturing atmosphere where residents learn skills necessary for everyday living, and where they have the comfort and security of a home-like setting. Our interdisciplinary professional team, along with the resident's parents or guardians, creates an individualized habilitiation plan tailored to each resident's need. This plan focuses on the resident's development, including educational, emotional, medical, social, and spiritual needs.the residential living program received grant funding of $2,213,462 from the state of new jersey and state of Pennsylvania to sustain operations.
Group home living - the agency has group homes and lodges that help promote community integration for adults with developmental disabilities. Each home is committed to helping residents achieve their personal goals. Staff is present 24 hours a day. The residents share the responsbilities of housekeeping, cleaning, laundry, meal preparation and gardening. Each resident has numerous choices in leisure and recreation including, sports, attending movies, concerts, ball games, picnics, day trips, and vacations. In addition, each resident may attend worship Services, and be involved with local church groups. The residents also attend work, volunteer assignments, day programs or workshops during the day. Group home living offers adults with disabilities special opportunities for friendship, and for being a part of their community. Residents also have the dignity of making personal choices and taking the responsibilities involved. This arrangement helps to foster self-esteem and individual growth in all areas of their life.the group home living program received grant funding of $423,463 from the state of new jersey and state of Pennsylvania to sustain operations.