Program areas at Hope Connecting Hearts Nigeria
These funds were wire transferred to the Minna Catholic Diocese bank account in Nigeria for the purchase of a home in Garam for the President of the St. Joseph Catholic School to live while providing guidance and over-site of the School. In addition, $32,500 was wire transferred to the Minna Catholic Diocese Bank account in Nigeria for the purchase of a school bus to provide transportation for the students of the St. Joseph Catholic School that otherwise had to walk a long distance to school.
These funds were wire transferred to the Minna Catholic Diocese bank account in Nigeria twice a year to purchase toothpaste and toothbrushes for 1,500 students and showing them how to properly brush their teeth, thus improving dental hygiene.
These funds were wire transferred to the Minna Catholic Diocese bank account to Feed the Children in Erena by providing (1) a 3 day per week lunch program for 450 students, (2) purchasing 400 layer chickens to supplement the lunch program.
These funds were wire transferred to Minna Catholic Diocese bank account in Nigeria for the purpose of retaining and providing recognition for the outstanding efforts of (42) elementary and secondary school teachers; teachers; the 2 priests overseeing the schools and Daniel Zurmai, Development Director.
These funds were wire transferred to the Minna Catholic Diocese bank account in Nigeria for the purpose of providing Tuition Assistance for children of parents that want their children to attend school, but cannot afford to pay the school's tuition.
These funds were wire transferred to the Minna Catholic Diocese bank account in Nigeria for the construction of a mulitpurpoose hall at Divine Mercy School in Erena. This hall will be used for serving lunch to students and teachers, school assemblies, required test taking and many other functions that require a large open space.
These funds were wire transferred to the Minna Catholic Diocese bank account in Nigeria for a church concrete floor and $3,614 for bags of rice for staff and teachers at Christmas at all schools.