Program areas at HOPE
Emergency safe shelter: Hope's emergency safe shelter offers sanctuary for manatee county adult victims and survivors of domestic violence and their minor/dependent children who have no safe place to stay due to intimate partner violence. Hope's emergency safe shelter helps those who report being a victim of domestic violence regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, political belief, citizenship, immigration status, marital status, language spoken or mental/physical disability. Generally, the population served is manatee county residents; however, when space permits, Hope assists other domestic violence program clients who must relocate due to safety concerns.
Advocacy program: the advocacy program assists adult victims and survivors of domestic violence with a safe place to evaluate their options while learning safety strategies and deciding the next course of action. Advocates assist those who call or come in with front-line, emergency, trauma-informed, crisis oriented assistance including immediate safety planning, legal intakes, referrals for basic Services such as food, housing assistance, budgeting classes, childcare, etc. And whatever clients deem necessary.
Children's counseling program: the children's counseling program is for children and youth who live in (or have lived in) families where domestic violence occurs or has been witnessed. The goal of the program is twofold, help manatee county children who have experienced or witnessed domestic violence heal from the trauma of violence while providing a safe place for children to express their feelings in an effort to teach new, appropriate skills for living an abuse and violence-free life, which ultimately breaks the intergenerational cycle of violence.