Program areas at Hope For Youth
Large Group Programs and Activities: Friday Night Live (FNL) AKA Friday Night With The Fam is our primary large group program throughout the year. Active youth are encouraged to invite their friends to join them. Usually held two Fridays per month, a typical night starts off with dinner, games, and fellowship before hearing a short devotion/message followed by small-group discussion about the topic. Our goal is to have a caring and inviting atmosphere where students can not only lay their worries aside, but also build relationships with adult volunteers who expose them to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that the youth get plugged into this community, form positive and lasting relationships with the other youth, keep coming back to FNL, and also get involved in our other programs. We also have a week-long vacation bible school (JNTH) in the summer which features high energy fun and games, bible verse memorization, gospel rap artists, speakers and small group breakout time. Other weekend activities include fun social outings such as ice skating, service projects for our youth to give back to the community, educational experiences, and attending special church programs.
Camps and Retreats: For many youth, our camp and retreat outings are among the highlight of their year. These activities are directly targeted and designed for students who find themselves in an urban setting and in at-risk situations. A bus load of our youth attend a Christian sports camp in Missouri for a week in the summer. We sometimes also send some of our other youth to attend camp at a Christian ranch in Texas. In the spring we have a large weekend retreat at a Christian camp in Texas. Every year students come back and share how these experiences literally changed their lives.
Mentoring & Small Group Discipleship. Our small group disciple program is centered around creating deep and lasting one-on-one relationships between our most committed youth and volunteers. This program includes biblical studies on living a Christ-centered life and building Christ-centered relationships - all in an effort to prepare our youth for a satisfying and successful walk with Christ. Mentors also get to know their youth well enough to help them address academic and social issues. This program uses small-group and one-on-one time to build the relationships necessary for lasting change. Mentors are volunteers and our Staff Members also work closely with many of our youth.
College and Career Prep program - Helps our high school juniors and seniors navigate the college selection, application, financial aid and scholarship process. Gives guidance on careers in the military and vocation jobs. Also teaches life skills.