Program areas at Hope House Rescue Mission
Emergency shelter for men: the organization provides a safe, sanitary, temporary residence for approximately 230 homeless men per year; preparing and serving three meals per day and supplying clothing and personal care items as needed. Hope House Rescue Mission strives to operate as more than an emergency shelter by offering services designed to promote long-term, sustainable life transformation. Full time nursing staff, addiction and mental health counselor and case managers assist individuals with the goal of achieving long-term stability. During the fiscal year, 230 persons were provided with 11,082 shelter nights and 40,873 meals.
Low-income housing: the organization manages a 30-unit permanent supportive housing project on the same campus designed to assist homeless individuals. The project allows chronically homeless individuals to step into stable housing and services including case management, medication assistance, counseling, transportation, and other ongoing supportive services.
Emergency shelter for women and children: the organization also provides a safe, sanitary, temporary residence for approximately 250 homeless women and children per year; preparing and serving three meals per day and supplying clothing through agency partners and personal care items as needed. Like the men's emergency shelter, Hope House Mission's women's center strives to operate as more than an emergency shelter by offering services designed to promote long-term, sustainable life transformation. Full time nursing staff, addiction and mental health counselor and case managers assist the individuals and families by developing action plans based on their needs, with the goal of achieving long-term stability. During the fiscal year, 226 persons were provided with 8,611 shelter nights and 17,061 meals.