Program areas at Hope Network / Group Return
Behavioral health - with one in 5 people affected, mental illness is often closer than we imagine. At Hope Network we recognize that taking care of our mental health is just as important as any physical ailment. Whether it's a chronic mental illness, depression, personality disorder, alzheimer's or other behavioral concern, we start with a personalized assessment and treatment plan. Our care is structured in a way for people to enter at any point and move throughout the program based on their needs - from crisis intervention to specialized residential or outpatient treatment programs. As each person becomes more independent, our goal is to help people manage their mental illness and gain greater control of their lives.
Rehabilitation services - expert neuro rehabilitation takes time. That's why we've been doing it for over 30 can change in an instant. A brain injury, spinal cord injury, or diagnosis can make the simple things in life seem far away. That's why we're firmly dedicated to helping people make a comeback.we've seen people do some pretty amazing things when facing a world of doubt - when taking a single step forward seems impossible. But we know that every comeback has to start somewhere. And we're ready to be that place. For over 30 years, we've served people with traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, or other neurologic conditions and helped them re-establish purposeful participation in work, school, home, parenting, social relationships, and leisure/recreation activities.
Community support services - a little help in the right direction can go a long way. Especially when it means having a place to live, a job, or a ride to an important appointment.through our community services programs we provide job training and placement for ex-offenders, refugees and people with disabilities; and rides for people with disabilities living in the community. We also step in to help those who live on their own but need a little extra assistance managing their physical, spiritual or emotional needs. But it's not about the services we offer. It's about the people we serve who emerge with a greater sense of pride and level of independence.
Developmental services - enhancing life for people with developmental disabilities goes beyond just meeting their needs, but also fulfilling their desires and personal goals.for people who have lived with a developmental disability all their life, we offer a home-like environment where residents find friendship both within the home, and through community involvement. Shopping, volunteering or vocational services are just some of the activities residents can choose from. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. Every person receives a level of care tailored to their needs and opportunities to bring them joy, fulfillment, and pride. We provide rentals for low-income adults and families