Program areas at Hope Services Hawaii
Through our housing program, we helped 187 households experiencing homelessness obtain permanent housing, and we have also assisted 87 households who were at risk of homelessness maintain their housing through prevention assistance. Rrh is a short- to medium-term housing intervention designed to help individuals and families quickly exit homelessness, return to housing in the community (usually in the private market), and not experience homelessness again. Rrh is a housing first intervention, meaning that the primary focus is on moving households into housing quickly, without preconditions (such as those relating to employment, income, criminal records, "motivation,- or sobriety).
The emergency shelter program provided a safe, sanitary place to live while working toward permanent housing for 257 households, composed of 333 individuals, including 60 children 17 years old and younger. Hope's emergency shelters provide temporary living places and a transformative program where guests and staff remain focused on the ultimate goal of permanent housing. During initial intake, Hope staff familiarize guests with the program and facility and provide needed items such as basic toiletries, personal hygiene articles, clothing, and food. In the first few days of program entry, staff work with program guests to help create meaningful goals that focus on their strengths and are participant- centered, specific, and measurable. Learning about guests' individual needs, staff connect guests to Services that address barriers, which may include access to health insurance, primary healthcare, dental, and mental health Services. Staff assists guests in increasing their income and assets by verifying eligibility for public benefits, working on an honest budget, and connecting them to community resources for financial literacy, banking, tax preparation, and credit repair and opportunities for literacy, educational, and vocational Services, computer skills classes, resume development, interview coaching, mentoring, job training, higher education, job placement, and employment Services Hope collects data in the state homeless management information system, enabling our outcomes to be measured against internal and system-wide performance benchmarks. In 2023-2024, Hope achieved a 79% exit rate to permanent housing. The average length of stay in Hope shelters was 107 days, and 78% of households ending their homelessness successfully remained in their housing for two or more years, as to the system-wide performance benchmark
Through our outreach program housing navigators conduct comprehensive assessments to understand each person's housing needs, barriers and preferences. The outreach program helps clients to navigate the process of securing housing, connecting individuals and families with resources and Services that can support their housing stability, such as rental assistant programs, affordable housing, healthcare and employment. The outreach program served 411 individuals, 322 head of households, 20 non head, among those served there were 69 children and 131 of individuals served were chronically homeless. Additionally, the program assisted 18 veterans, providing support to those who served. Notably, the program successfully placed 95 individuals to permanent housing, and 70 individuals to emergency shelters.