Program areas at Hope and Healing Jax
Connect for Hope grant - this grant was awarded by kids Hope alliance and the city ofjacksonville to provide trauma awareness training utilizing trust based relationalintervention (tbri). As the local designated partner of the developers of tbri, the karynpurvis institute of child development within the Texas christian university college ofscience and engineering, Hope Street, Inc. is the single source provider of tbri injacksonville. Since 2020, this funding has allowed Hope Street, Inc (now Dba Hope &Healing Jax) to provide training and coaching to over 5,202 participants representingover 99 local organizations from all systems of care.
Recast-building trauma responsive schools grant: through samhsa funds awarded topartnership for child health, Hope Street, Inc. Dba Hope & Healing Jax has a 5 year planto facilitate tbri training and implementation coaching to 15 schools. Participantsinclude all school personnel serving all children, especially those who have experiencedtrauma, with a focus on jacksonville's health zone 1. Trainings are designed forteachers, professionals, and anyone who is interested in learning more about howunresolved trauma and positive and adverse childhood experiences (paces) impactchildren and what we can all do to foster trust and resilience throughout the lifespan.our goal is to offer teachers/education professionals, behavioral health care & systemof care members, and community partners/members the opportunity to gainknowledge about trauma, paces, and trust-based relational intervention (tbri)strategies, supporting them to adopt new attitudes, expectations, behaviors, andpolicies towards children by recognizing and meeting children's physical, social, andpsychological needs through a trauma-informed tbri lens.
Hope & Healing Jax- building a trauma responsive jacksonville grant: our mission isbringing together those already working in jacksonville to address positive & adversechildhood experiences (paces) and trauma to promote Healing and build resilience andnetworking to strengthen and grow existing efforts. As connectors, we fostercollaboration among organizations and communities, share events, tools, and resourceswidely, tell the stories of people making a difference, and support local level systems ofcare work. As advocates, we combine voices and efforts from all sectors to make thebiggest difference including: systems change and governmental level policy change. Assolution engineers, we identify needs and community solutions already atimplementation stage and combine viewpoint and experiential diversity.