Program areas at Hopeland
Save Ukraine: Hopeland has partnered with Save Ukraine, an organization that is rescuing children and families who are stuck in conflict zones in Ukraine. Their hotline for rescues is funded by the U.S. Government and through a fundraising campaign we raised enough funds to pay for the rescue of 353 children. Staff time included fundraising efforts, campaign design, and creation of publicity materials, amongst other things.
Orphanage Trafficking - Hopeland co-authored an article on Orphanage Trafficking, a major advocacy issue for the organization, that appeared in The Global Slavery Index, the leading publication on human trafficking and worldwide efforts to counter this crime. Building on the impact of this article, Hopeland delivered a petition with over 40,000 signatures to the Inter-Parliamentary Union calling on them to end orphanage trafficking in their 180 member countries. Supported by various Hopeland Ambassadors our petition had the needed impact as the Resolution passed unanimously.
Medair: Hopeland has partnered with the Swiss humanitarian NGO Medair to collaborate on a project to deliver innovative and sustainable flood shelters in South Sudan. Hopeland's major contribution to this project will be fundraising for a pilot batch of the shelters, which are made from locally sourced re-used products e.g. used rubber tires. The implementation of the project is expected in 2024 and if successful will allow South Sudanese families to mitigate the effects of the devastating flooding that has impacted the region in recent years.
Programs to raise consciousness, marshal resources, and mobilize citizens to act on behalf of children living outside of a safe, nurturing, and permanent family.