Program areas at Hopelink
Hopelink operates a special needs transportation brokerage for king and snohomish counties, provides direct transportation services under contract to king county metro, and provides mobility management services for king county. For the year ending june 30, 2023, a total of 797,330 trips were provided in king and snohomish counties; 599,102 rides were given for dart, alternative services and water taxi shuttle routes; and 269 human service providers were trained on travel options for their clients, providing travel options assistance directly to 9,319 individuals in king county.
Hopelink equipped to exit poverty programs provide families with emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent housing. For the year ending june 30, 2023, emergency shelter and transitional housing programs provided 66,590 bed nights and permanent housingprovided 55,883 bed nights. Case managers assist families in accessing services they need to reach their goals such as parenting, budgeting classes, tenant education as well as adult education and employment classes. The family development program participants had 95% of exited households maintain or establish stable housing. Adult education provides english language acquisition, basic literacy, and money management. Hopelink's adult education and literacy programs served 288 adults. The ged prep course served 50 students. Hopelink's english language acquisition (ela) program served 238 students with 36% making a reportable gain.
Hopelink provides food, emergency financial assistance to assist low income families, distributes federal dollars to those who need help with energy bills, and teaches energy conservation. For the year ending june 30, 2023, Hopelink food banks distributed more than 5,916,000 pounds of food to 13,664 individuals for a total of 196,572 food bank visits. Hopelink provided more than $1,899,703 in direct financial assistance from grant and fundraising dollars. The liheap and puget sound energy (pse) programs provided energy assistance to families in the amount of $7,992,836 of which $5,115,921 represented direct assistance, with the remainder provided by third parties upon the referral by Hopelink. Households served were 4,517 with liheap funds and 3,826 with pse funds.