Program areas at HopeWorx
Familyworx - participated in 187 outreach meetings, 158 community meetings and events, and 81 workgroup sessions within and outside of Hopeworx Inc. familyworx has grown up to 157 registrants with 494 total families served. Support was given through multiple systems including behavior health, education, forensic interviewing, grievances & appeals, juvenile justive, ocy, truancy court, and victim services.
Fst - family satisfaction team works with others in the community to connect families to resources/events and inform families of other opportunities to share their voice at both the state and local level. During the year, fst provided administrative support to teams within Hopeworx, local agencies, and statewide workgroups. Over the course of the year, fst contacted 632 families, and surveyed 238 participants over 4 projects.
Cst - the cst surveyed 294 people total for three separate surveys of different mental health service categories in montgomery county, pa. The team also represented the voice of people using services in over 15 committees and workgroups. The communityworx community center pivoted to supporting people who are homeless after the homeless shelter was closed, and supported an average of 75 people per week with emergency food and clothing resources, as well as laundry, computer access, and day shelter.