Program areas at Hospice of Health First
Hospice of Health First (hhf) provides comfort care to the terminally ill and their families by furnishing pain control and symptom management across the Health care continuum (hospital, home, nursing home, and assisted living facilities), as well as educational and bereavement programs to enhance the coping abilities of fiscal year 2023, hhf provided 103,738 days of care, serving a total of 5,004 individuals (patients and their families). They processed 2,680 referrals and admitted 1,663 patients. Patients and families were provided a total of 12,168 continuous care hours in the home, a 13% increase from the prior fiscal year. Volunteers started to return during fiscal year 2023, allowing hhf to deliver ancillary support services once again to families. Despite the healthcare challenges of the previous three years, Hospice volunteers came back to help, offering more than 7,600 hours of their time to our patients and families. Hff includes a field program, the william childs Hospice house, the cape canaveral hospital inpatient unit, and robust bereavement services.major program accomplishments include:1. The 3-bed inpatient unit at cape canaveral hospital was expanded to a 6-bed unit, allowing for more inpatient Hospice care in the north end of the county. Hhf is grateful for the partnership with cape canaveral hospital in the development of this expansion, supporting Hospice care for more patients and families when they need it most, and keeping it close to home.2. The bereavement team at hhf was laser-focused on growing the programs and services offered, not only for the grieving loved ones from Hospice, but to anyone in the community who experienced a loss. The team onboarded several new licensed bereavement counselors, enabling them to serve brevard county from end-to-end. New grief support groups were formed, including a moving forward group that "graduates" participants when they are ready, helping them continue with life after loss. The team also focused heavily on suicide grief support, forming new groups just for those who have lost a loved one due to suicide. The children's grief program, bright star, hosted several new events, including a family fun day and a superhero summer camp, giving grieving kids a place to feel welcome and understood as they process their loss. Finally, the bereavement team's licensed clinical social workers and mental Health counselors joined a mobile response unit to support brevard public schools, visiting classrooms and school campuses after they experienced tragic loss of a fellow student or teacher.3. This year, the Hospice admission and intake team worked with opex and business development leaders to streamline the referral to admission process. The goal was to reduce the time from referral to admission and cut out redundant workflows to manage growth goals and increase referrals. Several workgroups were formed to focus on key areas identified that would make the biggest impact. One of the major accomplishments of this initiative was taking the whole admission team from a handwritten, manual paper consent form process to paperless, streamlined electronic consents for the entire team. Now, every admission nurse has a touch-screen laptop they can use to complete all the necessary consents, patient signatures and forms needed to admit a patient, and email it back to the team at the office to process, saving valuable staff time and increasing patient satisfaction with a more streamlined admission process.