Program areas at Hospice of Lenawee
Direct care - home care a specialized, interdisciplinary team tailors a plan of care for each patient and family/caregiver with a terminal diagnosis. The plan considers physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Included in the interdisciplinary team are registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, social workers, certified nursing assistants, spiritual care staff and volunteers. The home care interdisciplinary team serves patients in whatever setting they call "home". 476 patients were provided support service and medical supplies.
Social work and spiritual care: social workers and spiritual care staff are an integral part of the specialized, interdisciplinary team that prepares a plan of care for each patient. They provide counseling and spiritual support for home care and Hospice home patients and families. 580 patients were served, inclusive of the first two programs.
Direct care - Hospice home: in july 2012 Hospice of Lenawee opened an 8-bed in-patient unit which serves patients at all levels of care (routine, gip, respite and continuous). The unit is staffed with a specialized, interdisciplinary team that tailors a plan of care for each patient. The plan considers physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Included in the interdisciplinary team are registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, social workers, certified nursing assistants, spiritual care staff and volunteers. 131 patients were provided support service and medical supplies.
Bereavement: bereavement staff are members of the specialized, interdisciplinary team who follow patient families/caregivers for thirteen months after the death of a patient. Community bereavement serves anyone in our community who has experienced a loss, even though the patient was not served by Hospice of Lenawee. 438 patients were served. Volunteers program: volunteers are members of the specialized, interdisciplinary team and are required to complete twenty-four hours of training prior to being assigned duties. The organization's volunteer program provides opportunities for members of our community to assist with direct patient care for home care and Hospice home patients and families as well as indirect (administrative) support.